Thursday, September 07, 2006

#5 - First Name Not Ending In The Letter "A"

aaahhhhh, the power of the letter "A"!!! What does it all mean? What is so significant about the letter "A" that I would hinge my whole life on it???

And why does it have the be the last letter of the first name? Of all the undesirable qualities, this is the most mysterious and elusive by far! I'm sure a whole season of Lost could be made centering around such a mystery as this. Well, my friends, being the gracious man that I am, I will let you in on the secret that has haunted thousands for a millenium!!!

Actually, quite a few people know this story already, so correct me if I miss anything.

From the time I was born I have liked girls. I pretty much fall head over heels for any girl I meet, cause they're just that amazing to me. The first time I was swept off my feet was when the girl next door invited me over to watch "Police Academy". I was 4. And she wasn't the only girl I fell in love with. So when I hit 13 I had enough of this madness. I dropped on my knees before God and asked for some clarity. I needed to know something about the girl that would one day be mine. So I prayed, "God show me who I will end up with!"

And I was struck with a vision. I was in this void, darkness surrounded me, but there were these beams of light shining from the unknown. And then I saw a form, a female form, standing in the darkness. I couldn't see her face or make out any of her features. All I could see was this vague silhouette and I knew that this was the girl of my dreams!!!

When suddenly, a miniature spotlight burst forth glorious light! But not on her, instead the light fell at her feet. On the ground in front of her was a name card. I couldn't read it, because of the darkness, but the spotlight was shining on the last letter of her first name...

The letter "A"

And I snapped out it. I woke up on a golf course the next morning with the letter "A" written on my arm (Okay, that last part happened to someone else). So God gave me a vision, but the only thing he revealed to me was that the last letter of her first name would be the letter "A". You would think this would have solved my dilemma, but pretty much all the girls I was crushing on matched that description.

People wonder if I'm joking when I tell that story...and honestly I don't even know. I clearly remember the vision, but was it really a vision or just my overactive imagination?!? I've gone on dates with roughly 7 girls and only 3 of them had a name ending in "A" so either I'm unfaithful to God or I don't take it that seriously. The one thing I do know is this: to this day whenever I meet a girl with her first name ending in "A", I can't help but wonder, "Is this the one???"

(this quality was inspired by either YHWH or Linda, Alana, and all those other girls in grade 8 I had a crush on)


Tyco Montoyo said...

DUDE! Your eye is totally wandering in that last picture!

Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

hehe, i wish! i actually never noticed that before.