Thursday, September 14, 2006

#16 - Bad Speller

Ie kennot tallurait badd sppeling!!! Wenever Ei red uther peepels paipurrs att skool annd their wur spelingg misteaks, igt wood dryve mee knuts...

Okay, that's enough torture for me and other people like me. So okay, I know, I screw up with my spelling too sometimes. I'm not perfect and I understand other people aren't perfect either, but some people cannot spell for the life of them! Like Jackie, I'm sorry my dear sister, but I don't know how many times I've told you, "You don't spell Saturday with an E!!!" Look at her blog now, I think she purposefully puts the word Saterday in all her posts just to annoy me. And there's also Dennis. I'm pretty sure he's fed-up with my grammar policing so he intentionally says definately on msn all the time. IT'S DEFINITELY!!!!!

When I first started at Camp Luther I came up with a spelling test for girls I was interested in. I'll give you two ways to spell a word, you give me the right answer. Let's see how well you score (no looking it up!).

1. Seperate - Separate

2. Suprise - Surprise

3. Desparate - Desperate

4. Unnecessary - Unneccesary

5. Arguement - Argument

6. Licence - License

7. Weird - Wierd

8. Worshiping - Worshipping

To be honest with you, I chose these words cause I can never remember how to spell them! Haha, I'm such a hypocrite!!!

(this quality was inspired by Jackie, Dennis, Beth, the Colonel, and everyone else who spells things wrong on purpose just to piss me off!)


Megs said...

Well what can I say, this one is the nearest and dearest to my heart for if I were ever interested in you #16 would end it before it began.

Robyn Bishop said...

The worst is when people say such things as:
"how r u? omg, did u c Katie at skool 2day, I h8ed her outift, it was soooooooo gross! c u l8er!"

Alvin & Denise Engler said...

this is all very interesting, but couldn't you extend us the courtesy of listing the correct answers?
(erin's cousin)

you aren't going to add "too lazy to use capital letters" to your list, are you? heh heh.

arbyn said...


arbyn said...

oh ya, there's a whiteboard at the place I'm living where we write notes to each other and reminders of appointments etc.

here's what's up there right now:

"Matthew needs a her appointmnt"

#16 is near and dear to my heart

Alvin & Denise Engler said...

ummm... arbyn... you spelled "England" wrong in your profile. tee hee. :)

brent said...

separate, surprise, desperate, unnecessary, argument, license, weird, worshipping, lame.

Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

that is correct, brent...except the last one is a trick question, you can spell it with one p or two, they're both right!

Jaclyn_Rose said...

Hey! I actually am positive that I was taught to spell it 'sauterday', but then when I got ragged on for that, the person told me it was 'saterday', and at that point it was engrained in my head.

Jaclyn_Rose said...

Is it gee-shay, or quee-shay?

Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

thank you sir!