Friday, March 27, 2009


Either most of my friends have stopped using MSN


Most of my friends have blocked me on MSN

I have 41 people in my contacts and I usually only see the same 3 people every once in awhile.

(And is it weird that most people call it MSN when that's the name of the company that made it?)

I used to use MSN so much, but have hardly been using it now that most of my friends aren't online anymore. Maybe it's because my friends are actually getting a life, and I'm just a little slow on that bandwagon. I think it's overrated, but I'm in the process of giving it a shot for a change.

So are you blocking me on MSN or have you just stopped using it?

*it's been spring break the last couple weeks for my youth and it's completely messing up my schedule. i didn't really get my usual day off this week AND i completely forgot to post on Wednesday. sorry about that, I'll post again tomorrow to make up for it!


Ashley Ronnell said...

I stopped using it... and deleted my hotmail account. But I still don't have a life.

KristenW said...

Facebook has taken over. :(