Monday, November 03, 2008

the girl of my dreams - #8

8. perfect vision

i gotta admit, this one surprised me. i've never pictured myself with someone who had perfect vision. i don't know why? maybe because i'm such a geek i figured i would be matched up with another four-eyes. so, i would be blessed to be with someone who has perfect vision. that way maybe our kids could hopefully be glasses-free...

but, oh, my interpretative instincts are kicking in again! what if megan isn't talking about EYESIGHT???

another definition for vision is: something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy; a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation

does this mean she will be one who regularly sees visions? that would be sweet. although, challenging to live with i'm sure. would she be like the lady on that show medium, i don't know?! that would be cool to be married to someone who had visions during the day, maybe like the guy in the dead zone. he has visions whenever he touches people. i would welcome someone into my life who had the superpower of seeing visions.

another option: she has perfect vision, like a visionary leader! she would have incredible plans for our life together and lead us into a successful future. i'm not sure how i feel about that, being "the man" in the relationship and all. can i swallow my pride? i don't think so! i'm in charge, sorry ladies...

or a third possibility (which i think is just delightful): she will be a perfect vision, a lovely or charming sight. aww, wouldn't that be just wonderful! if it turns out she doesn't have 20/20 vision i sure hope she is a perfect vision of beauty!!!


amanda said...

man, you are having way too much fun writing these.

Demara said...

Wow! I sure hope for your sake you find that perfect woman soon, very very soon!!