Friday, April 03, 2009

Thanks Ken!

Awhile ago I wrote a post about my frustration when trying to express myself. And then Ken responded with a link to this cartoon:

Now, I admit this wasn't very encouraging to read. I thought, "Why would Ken send me this?!?" I was just expressing my frustration and it was like Ken was saying back to me, "You're not working hard enough!"

That really felt like a jab in my side. So, thanks a lot Ken!

But there was something more to this. Hmm, I think Ken might actually be very wise...especially when it comes to art. We all struggle with expressing ourselves. Fortunately for some people, artistic expression comes fairly naturally, but what I keep forgetting is that artists work really hard to perfect their art.

I think what he was really trying to say to me was, "Don't give up, Dan! Keep working at perfecting your art. It's not going to be easy, so stay strong."

Even if that's not what you were trying to say, Ken, that's what I got out of it. And that has encouraged me to not give up on perfecting some of my ways of expression. Since that post I've been playing my guitar a lot more than I have been the last few years, and it's been really cool! I've even begun writing some new songs, which I haven't done for a long, long time.

So once again, thanks Ken!

ps. is it just me, or do my posts sometimes feel like they end too abruptly?


amanda said...

they sometimes do feel like they end too abruptly...but makes the reader all the more eager to read the next one!

Ken A. Priebe said...

Hehe! My pleasure Dan. It's all about the Garfield minus Garfield website & concept in general...I can't decide if it's comforting or disturbing that I myself can often relate to it.

We are all frustrated artists trying to do something of meaning, whether it's for us, for God, or for anyone who cares.

I think Ron Beeksma also said it best in our small group several years ago...we were all sitting around talking about our various struggles, and then a few seconds of awkward silence...and then Ron just goes 'Man, we're all really screwed up aren't we?'

Amen to that, I say.