Saturday, May 23, 2009

Societal Expectations

I don't like encores at concerts. I think they're dumb. Why do they leave and wait for us to yell and then come back and play a song or two that they've obviously practiced and are ready to play? One time I was at a concert and they played like 5 songs in their encore??!? I know it started cause a band would leave and the people would want them to play more and the band appreciated their fans and would play another song or two, but now it's an expectation.

Back then a band didn't have to play an encore. You know what I saw once??? The band left and maybe 15% of the crowd was cheering for them to come back. No one cared. But still the band came back and played some more?!? Ridiculous. If I was in a band, I wouldn't come back unless they were going nuts in the crowd. But then we'd lose fans, and I'd be kicked out of the band, even though I started it, and I'm the lead singer/lead guitarist/lead hottie.

It's just like tipping. Why do we tip at restaurants? I think that's the dumbest thing in the world. I'll get into that another time.


kinneyland said...

I agree.

that's us... said...

didn't wollow get encores???(is that even the right name? so long ago...what did i do with my t-shirt)

Megs said...

phhhhhhhhh love them.

Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

oh wait, i should clarify, i do like the idea of encores...i just don't like that the band is expected to always do an encore.

Anonymous said...

the best is when a band writes on their set list 'encore songs'. I promise you I did see that once.

also, you must have loved australia- no tipping at restaurants!
