Wednesday, February 04, 2009


"give me hands...without the copper sweat of clinging change"

when i was in grade 11 this was part of a poem we studied called "As in the Beginning" by Mary Di Michele. when i first read that line i misunderstood it. i thought it meant change as in to alter or transform. when really i'm sure most people would understand it to mean change as in coins.

i tend to see things differently than others. which often leads to many misunderstandings, such is my lot in life. but i like to think i see things others miss. i appreciate things others take for granted. i make connections others wouldn't.

whenever i feel change coming around the corner at any moment, i say to myself, "the copper sweat of clinging change." clinging change in the literal sense is to hold coins in your hand. clinging change in the daniel sense is more complex.

cling: to remain or linger as if resisting complete dissipation or dispersal

change: to make or become different

it's as if the change is inevitable. it is going to happen. it is unstoppable.
but it's not quite time for change to happen. so you can feel the copper sweat of clinging change.

i feel the copper sweat of clinging change.


amanda said...

for you or for life for all of us

Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

hmm, good question...