Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Story of Ed Wood

For some time I've been interested in watching the Tim Burton film, "Ed Wood" starring Johnny Depp. When I moved here to Ladner over 3 years ago I walked into our neighbourhood Blockbuster and saw they had it for rent, but it was not available at the time. So I rented something else.

The next week I came in looking to see if it was in. It was not. I rented something else.

Again I returned a week later to find...of course it was not there! So I asked the employee, "Do you know when 'Ed Wood' will be returned?" He replied, "According to the computer, it is missing." Oh, I asked him when they'd be getting it back in. He didn't really know the answer to that question and just kinda mumbled nonsense to me.

I've been going to that Blockbuster on a number of occasions since and it has never been available to rent, yet the case just sits there, taunting me!

So one of my youth, the infamous JOSH HUGHES, got a job at Blockbuster. What do you think the first thing I asked him was? "Is there any way this movie will be available for rent? Is there anything you can do to get it?" Josh, also, was powerless to help me. Ed Wood would never be available for me to rent from this store!!!!

I tormented Josh about this over and over. I'm pretty sure Josh was getting more and more pissed off with me as a result. Finally I stopped, but then it became our inside joke.

So I decided to give Josh a little present. I stole the insert from the movie case and brought it back to the church. I then found a pic of Josh on facebook and shrunk it. I then printed it, cut it out, and pasted it over Johnny Depp's face on the picture. I also changed it from saying Johnny Depp to Josh Hughes.

I snuck the picture back into the Blockbuster and slipped it into the case. I left it there, so that anyone who walked by would think Ed Wood starred Josh Hughes and not Johnny Depp. That night I called Josh while he was working and asked him if Ed Wood was available for rent. He awkwardly chuckled, "Do you want me to check the computer?" To which I replied, "No, I really think you should LOOK FOR IT MANUALLY!" He asked if he could check later. I said yes.

The next day I asked him what he thought. He never checked...

So I told him, "You really should take a good look with your own eyes to see if it's there!" Then he did and he peed himself (I made that part up). Eventually other people in the store found it. They peed themselves too. Even the managers all know about it (and peed themselves), and they left it there, with no intention of course, of ever getting the movie in for rent.

Well two weeks ago Josh told me he had something special for me. Can you guess what it is? That's right, he bought me my very own copy of ED WOOD!!!!!!!! I always watch Lost with him and Clayton and Mark on Wednesdays, so we decided to watch one half last week and the second half tonight after Lost.

I tell ya, the movie was a lot different than I thought it was going to be! After the first part I thought none of the other guys liked it, but I enjoyed it of course. Then this week they all said they were excited to watch the second part, and I definitely like the second half as well! What a strange movie, what a strange man...what a fun experience!

And it doesn't end there, because...

"We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives."

1 comment:

Megs said...

YAY! Dan...I loved this post. For various reasons. 1. Good freakin' "prank" so clever and witty. 2. You didn't give up OR never went to a different blockbuster. 3. You were bold enough to do that. 4. you brought joy to more than Josh ....

but really I just like that you have such a rad relationship with your youth. Rock on buddy. they're be telling that story to their youth one day.