Sunday, September 28, 2008

People I Don't Like

(this is not one of those people...)

"Honesty is the best policy."

I strongly believe in that statement. But still, people often don't like to hear the truth...especially from me.

There are some people out there that I do not like. Does that make me a jerk? Of course not, because all people, every person on this planet earth, all those who proudly call themselves "humans," could name others that they would classify as "people I do not like."

But the minute you find out that I don't like you, THEN I become a jerk?!? Does that make logical sense? Really, it's nothing personal (well...I guess it sort of is, haha). What I mean to say is, just because I don't like you doesn't mean your self-worth should be diminished. I'm sure there are lots of people out there that actually do like you (seriously you have a lot of facebook friends!). It really is a subjective matter of personal taste.

For example: I don't like cilantro. That's just me, I'm not going around the world telling everyone to destroy cilantro. I don't hate you if you do like cilantro. I just don't want it anywhere near me. Not only do I not want it in my food, I don't even want the smell of it to graze my nostril hairs.

Therefore: I don't like you. That's just me, I'm not going around the world telling everyone to destroy you. I don't hate people that do like you. I just don't want you anywhere near me. Not only do I not want you in my conversations, I don't even want you in the same room as me.

Does that make me a jerk??? Of course not.

And I get that there are people out there that don't like me. I'm fine with that. My problem is when you pretend to like me when you really don't. So just stop, I don't care if you don't like me. I have too many facebook friends as it is.


eric b. said...
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eric b. said...

Well put Dan. I always figure, if someone doesn't like me (or I don't like them)... There are 5,999,999,9999 other people on this planet who could be interesting.

(they're needs to be an edit button. lol this is the same comment, sans a few typos.)

arbyn said...

I'm all insecure now.

kortney said...

I fully expected my name in this post.