Thursday, December 11, 2008

To Buy or Not To Buy?

Here's the thing. I'm pretty much filthy rich. Whenever I want something, I buy it. It's not really that hard. Except of course really expensive things I don't buy for myself unless I plan ahead.

So let's say I want to buy an LCD High Definition TV. I want it, but I don't think I can really afford it, so I weigh out my options. Do I save up to spend so much money on a tv? Is it worth it?

On the other hand, let's say I want to get the new season of Lost on DVD. It costs about $40. I don't even have to think about it, I just buy it.

So when it comes to wish lists, they're kinda silly in my position. What do I put on a wish list? All the things I want I can buy, I don't need someone else to buy them for me. And there's no way I can put those expensive items on my list cause there's no way anyone's going to be buying me an LCD HDTV.

So what do I do? I just stop buying the things I want for a few months and wait for other people to buy them for me. And all the things that they didn't buy I'll just pick up the next week. Like Lost on DVD. Let's see if I have to buy it after Christmas or not...

Okay, so back to my thoughts on gift-giving. We've all got lots of money, so why are we buying each other presents? I know if my friend wants something he can buy it himself. I guess the argument is to find the present that hasn't been found yet. So it's like, hey, here's a rare treasure for you...yeah, I think that's a legitimate reason to buy something for someone. Especially when you see something in a store and you think how someone else would love that. But otherwise, why buy something someone else can get on their own?

But of course, when you know someone needs something, like food or clothing that they can't afford, obviously those should be bought. But most of my friends or family are rich, so maybe instead of buying presents for them I should be buying necessities for strangers.

And in place of buying presents for those I know, I think I'll make presents instead. That way, they're more personal and they actually require some effort, thought, and time. So, this Christmas season, expect to get homemade presents from me (or possibly a few bought presents I stumble upon).

ps. - as i've been writing this post, three other topics kept creeping in and i just felt it wasn't fair to squeeze them into this topic. so be prepared for future posts that will discuss (a) the attitude of receiving gifts (b) expecting gifts at certain times of year and (c) giving gifts to children or teens.


Anonymous said...

that will be interesting if you make me something, and if you do it better be good! I think you've left it a little late though.
love mommy

Anonymous said...

haha i love that your mom wrote that. 2. you totally think like a youth pastor, what with all the points to look forward to for next week! i can't wait! :) i was thinking about the gifts thing too because yesterday my mom asked me to think of more things for her to get me and i honestly don't need anything else! so i thought about a good gift to buy for people.. a donation in their name, or buying a few dinner tickets for the homeless people in a friend's name. something along those lines.. their giving and receiving in a totally new way.

Ashley Ronnell said...

I think you're EXACTLY right on this one.

Anonymous said...

i forgot to mention- stoked that you used the exploding dog pic! yes.

A J Craig said...

Dude, not sure if you watch the show but you need to see/download this week's episode of Big Bang Theory, there is a storyline that directly relates to the gift-giving stuff you have been talkin about.