Sunday, October 19, 2008

the girl of my dreams - #1

1. she will be corky, beautiful, dark hair curly.... not loud but energetic

As with all prophetic writings, it takes careful study and perception to interpret correctly. Of all the prophecies, this is the fullest description of the girl of my dreams. Let's look at the first quality:

she will be corky

hmm, as in Corky from Life Goes On? She will have Down Syndrome?? Extremely lovable and child-like?

or perhaps "corky" meaning - having an unpleasant odor and taste
not a very promising characteristic, but it will be a distinctive. first time making out, yup definitely corky!!

now, you probably are thinking it's definitely one of those meanings, BUT, I know Megan and one thing I know about Megan is...she's not a very good speller. So being the Megan scholar that I am, I am going to go out on a limb and suggest she does not mean corky, but instead quirky.

she will be quirky - "different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion"
mmmm, i like that! i hope that she will be quirky.

moving on...

beautiful, dark hair curly

once again, this one might be a bit difficult to understand. i wish there was either more commas in there, or maybe a period or brackets. is this all one aspect? she will have hair that is beautiful, dark, and curly? maybe it's four different things? she will be beautiful. she will be dark. she will have hair. or made of hair? and she will be curly (as in three stooges?!?).

i'm going to go out on another limb and say it is two different qualities, one general and the next specific.

she will be beautiful
she will have dark hair that is curly

i have to admit, i am a sucker for a beautiful girl. in fact, i probably wouldn't date someone unless i think they are beautiful. is that superficial? i've been wondering that lately.

and i also have to admit, i tremble when i see a girl with dark curly hair! i have no idea why, but that is so unbelievably gorgeous to me...

so i hope she is right, beautiful with dark, curly hair!

and finally,
not loud but energetic

i think Megan might be a bit biased with this prophecy. i have a feeling she interjected a little of her own opinion into the mix, but I'll give my thoughts anyways. I think she's right, haha, but what Megan might not know is my definition of loud is probably different than hers...and that will be my little secret.


Kristen said...

I love this! Although it proves that I am NOT the girl of your dreams. ;) LOL!

Oh Dan-O, I do hope you find the girl of your dreams...and soon!

kinneyland said...

I don't think it is superficial to want to date someone beautiful. But that is because when you get to know someone you see them differently. As you get to know and realize you like someone they tend to become more beautiful to you.
It would be superficial if you just see someone and count them out based on your first impression of their 'beauty'

Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

yeah, good point celia!