Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Am I Lost?

I hope you get the amazing pop-cultural reference of my title. Season Five of Lost aired tonight and it blew my mind. When they started playing around with time travel, I was so worried, but they've got it, they know what they're doing.

But I'm not here to talk about Lost. I'm here to talk about my life. And how my life is like Lost, teehee. You see, at one point in the show the producers set up this little scenario. Everyone knew that 6 individuals would get off the island by the end of the season. But at the beginning of that last episode, the 6 people were scattered all over the place. How were they all going to unite and leave the island?!? Of course, we knew it was going to happen, but there's something in you that's like, but how are they going to pull that off?

It happens in movies all the time. You know something will be resolved, but you just have no understanding or perspective on how it will turn out that way. Then when it does happen, everyone gasps together, "Ohhhhh! I get it now!"

So I think God has told me something about my life. But honestly, I don't see how it's going to happen. I don't see myself in that situation in the future....but it's like everyday everything keeps pointing towards that one thing. Subtly of course, because all my common sense and practical wisdom tells me otherwise. That it is impossible. That it will never happen.

(Wait, I just noticed that the word "subtly" sounds like Suddle Tea, yet there's a silent B in there?!?)

So the big question is...

Do I believe what I sense God is telling me and plan my life accordingly?


Do I chalk this one up as another "Crazy Ranting of Dan" and live my life like a normal person would?

I can't wait to see how this turns out.


amanda said...

risk factor 5 my friend.

Unknown said...

I'd love to see you make a spiritual connection to Frogurt.

Seriously though, this has been something I've been struggling with recently, especially with trying to plan the rest of my life and all that. Thanks Dan.