Monday, February 22, 2010

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Look at this. My second post of this new blogging commitment and I'm already a day late. I probably would have kept putting it off but Jackie and Amy both commented about it.

With the help of Amy I've discovered there are two sides to me. One is organized, strategic and efficient. The other is messy, forgets where he puts things, and procrastinates. Can you guess which one I am right now?

Two weeks ago I was on the ball, and I was on the ball for a long time. But then it started coming apart, which doesn't surprise me. I kept thinking, "When is this all going to crash?" I had lasted an unusually long amount of time under control, but alas here I am back where I started.

And I hate it! I'm so sick of it, uggh! I can't tolerate this behaviour any longer, it's driving me mad. I feel good when I'm organized, but yet I sabotage it and fall into this pattern of avoiding everything. So I will fight you! You must not be allowed to ruin my life any longer, Mr. Hyde!

I get so overwhelmed when there are many things to do, and there are always many things to do in my job. Not to mention maintaining my suite and being in a relationship. And all my 500+ friends and family. It's hard to know when to draw the line, and my problem is I don't take the time to draw the line. I just do what's easiest, but then the hard things get harder, making me more prone to avoid them until I ultimately cannot avoid them.

Such is life. I won't let it bog me down any longer. Anyone got any advice?


arbyn said...

Maybe this is a good time to introduce the word "routine," into your vocabulary.

At least for me, I find I stick to the things I've made routine (like flossing, taking out the garbage, sit-ups) even when I reallllly don't feel like it or when I'm busy/stressed/overwhelmed, which seems like most of the time.

The things that fall to the wayside when I drop the ball are usually the things I haven't deliberately included into my daily schedule.

Jaclyn_Rose said...

I say to delete ONE facebook friend a day... but you better not delete me! haha

Anonymous said...

i agree with the "routine" idea (as well as deleting fb friends, you hoarder!), and i think it helps to catch yourself early on when you begin putting things off and distracting yourself. like, when you can tell you're being a lazy so-and-so, FORCE yourself to do one things, get it over with, then you'll probably feel somewhat relieved and proud enough of yourself to move on to the next item...

or, try lists. i LIVE by lists. it is very satisfying crossing something off of a list. and make the items small, so they are achievable! ie, "work on sermon for 25 mins".

or, i bet your girlfriend would be happy to pinch you for every one thing you put off each day.
anything to help you out ;).

Jaclyn_Rose said...

This post motivated me into my spring cleaning, by the way! I was feeling overwhelmed so I just made myself start and feel so much better now!

And I agree with the lists thing! I love lists.