Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Season

Lent is upon us once again. Today is Ash Wednesday. Those who know me well, know I have developed a long list of things I fast from over the Lenten season. This year, however, I have decided to try something new. Rather than give stuff up, I will take something on.

When I went to New Zealand two years ago I challenged myself each day to ask someone new if I could pray for them. I was there for 7 days. I asked 0 people. It was actually quite a crushing blow to my spiritual side.

I will be leaving for Italy on March 14. I wanted to try this challenge again. Except this time, I thought it would be a good idea if I started early, and if I had the accountability of my friends to keep me to it. So for this season of Lent I will be asking someone new everyday if I can pray for them.

I will be writing a journal describing how this journey goes for me. I already know it will have a significant impact on my spirituality. I know because those 7 days where I did nothing left me empty and discouraged. This will push me to see people in a different light, to change my prayer focus from being me-focus, and to better practice the presence of God (among other as yet unknown experiences).

This is also another season of blogging for me. I realize without a commitment, I get nothing accomplished. So I hereby recommit to posting two blogs a week, on Wednesday and Sunday, from now until Easter Sunday.

May this season of Lent break you down to complete dependence on God and his Word.

1 comment:

Jaclyn_Rose said...

ahem, yesterday was Sunday. Where's your post?

And don't get mad at me - I'm just trying to keep you accountable!