Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm not myself today...

Sometimes I get in these ruts where I just feel out of place. Like something is slightly off-kilter. In these times I find myself making random comments and questions in my head:

"What kind of mood am I in?"

"No, I am not myself today..."

"Do you know what I think of you?"

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

The funny thing is I don't really know why I say these things to myself. They just randomly pop up. Sometimes they have no application to my present situation. It's like a program kicks off in my brain that starts cycling through these sayings like error prompts on a computer.

Obviously, something isn't quite right.

1 comment:

Jaclyn_Rose said...

I think everyone goes through that sometimes...I know I do. I like to listen to music REALLY loud when that happens...try it - just get in the car, turn on your music and drive