Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Ghost in the Post - Part Eight

"Hey!" Dan yelled.

"What's your problem??!" The Ghost in the Post replied.

"Where did my last two posts go???"

"Hmmm? I don't have the foggiest clue what you're going on about..."

"I wrote two posts this weekend. One on the rich guy at Subway and the other about GI Joe. Where did they go?!"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you're the one who always makes my posts disappear and it's really frustrating my readers!"

"Hmm, I thought you didn't believe in any case, I think they might just reappear tomorrow..........."

"Stupid Post Ghost!"


Anonymous said...

well, i really appreciated this post- in fact, i found it quite amusing. I'm sure there were lots of other people that got a chuckle out of this so i'll just speak for everyone and say it was entertaining. Keep writing dan.

Unknown said...

I ain't afraid of no ghosts!

Anonymous said...

excuse me, post-ghost (...what state would "post-ghost" be? big, blobby, spirit- entity? maybe like the Blob, the ghosties all get absorbed into a big massive hunk of ever-expanding ghosty cloudy whiteness?)
...regardless, excuse me, Post Ghost, but i think it is awful rude of you to have eaten over a week of Dan's posts. i know he was being unfair when he called you "stupid", but you have clearly proven him wrong- just look at how you're outwitted him!
so, take your victory and stop being suck a dink about it. or were you just waiting for someone to notice?
hi. i noticed.
now be nice please, ghosty.


Anonymous said...

*such... that's a very inappropriate spot for a typo, too, i'm quite embarrassed!!
next time i WILL preview, promise!