Friday, January 16, 2009


I had a disturbing dream last night. Well actually it was this morning. I woke up around 8 o'clock for some reason and then was in and out of sleep for about an hour. Well, in that light sleep I had this dream. And it was very real. And not very fun.

And the weirdest thing is I'm still carrying that dream in my soul as I'm getting ready for bed now. All day the experience of that dream has been weighing on me. It always amazes me how much power my dreams have to affect me.

I dream a lot, and I remember so much of my dreams. I never have recurring dreams in the traditional sense, but sometimes I revisit places that only exist in my dreams. The closest I get to recurring dreams are my Walmart dreams.

When I was fired from Walmart it was quite devastating for me. I really liked working there, and it was just gone in an instant. So then I started having these dreams. The setting is always different, and the people are always different, but the formula is almost exactly the same:

1. I find myself in Walmart either wearing the vest or someone is taking me to get a vest. It's never the same Walmart. Most of the time it's not even the same layout as any Walmart I've ever been in.

2. I think to myself, "I can't believe they've hired me back."

3. Someone shows me around the electronics department or the backroom.

4. I think to myself, "I'm going to have to learn where everything is again. Wait a minute!?!? Why did they hire me back and why did I even apply to work here???"

5. Someone else remarks, "Why did they hire you back after what you did??"

6. This is then usually followed with something about how I'm not allowed to have keys for anything or I'm not allowed to handle cash or use to the till.

7. Then I feel stupid for coming back to work here and I wake up.

So I used to have this dream all the time for a couple years after getting fired, but then they got more infrequent until they completely stopped.

Except I had the dream AGAIN a few days ago! What the heck??! Why won't this end, haha, it's so peculiar. Dreams! Uggh, I love them but they're ruthless. Maybe I should start trying to control my dreams again....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm with you on the dream thing. After i quit working at Tim horton's i kept having dreams about being back and getting a sick feeling in my stomache- because i hated working there. I remember one dream i was standing behind the counter of Tim horton's and all of a sudden it occurred to me "why am I working here again.. Crap! i have to give 2 weeks notice.. that means i have to work here 2 weeks before i can leave?!" haha. dreams are definitely peculiar most times and i understand what you mean about carrying them with you throughout the day. oh dreams!