Sunday, October 07, 2007

I'm Dizzy

When I was younger my sister and I rented this video game called, "The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy." It was very difficult and I remember not getting very far in it.

Well, I just recently came across this game again, and wow, it's a hard game! But I am proud to say, after probably a month of off and on gameplay I finally finished it!!!!

And I do have to admit I cheated a couple times by looking at online's a frustrating game!!!?!?! What do you expect from me???? I'm only a man!!!!


Jaclyn_Rose said...

I don't remember that game at all

Anonymous said...

Did you ever play Kickle Cubicle?

kinneyland said...

Adam found some way to get every NES and SNES game on our computer. I've found that they are not as fun as they used to be, but its interesting that I still remember all the warp zones and other tricks.

Ashley Ronnell said...

Ahahaha, Tonya Harding. POW!